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Why Slovenia?

- Exhibit: We are planning to hold an exhibit titled 'History of Scouting and Woodcraft Indians in Slovenia,' which will                                  be of interest to anyone interested in the history of scouting and its impact in Slovenia.

- Participants: We plan to invite, among others, scouts and scout collectors from the Balkan region to attend the event,                                       which will provide a unique opportunity to connect with fellow scouts and collectors from different parts of                                 the world.

- Endorse: We aim to encourage collecting among younger scouts and will provide opportunities for them to get involved                        and learn more about this fascinating hobby.

- Energy: Our event will bring new energy to collector circles and provide a fresh perspective on collecting.

- Geographical position: Slovenia is ideally located in the center of Europe between West and East, making it a convenient                                                  location for travelers from different parts of the continent to attend the event.

- Distances: Distances in Slovenia are relatively short, and most city centers are walkable. The entire country is also easily                            accessible by motorway, making it convenient to travel and explore.

- Communication: Slovenia's official language is Slovenian, but many people are also fluent in English, making it easy for                                         English-speaking travelers to communicate and get around.
- Currency: The currency used in Slovenia is the Euro (€), which simplifies currency exchange for visitors from other                                     European countries that use the same currency.
- Transportation: For travelers arriving by air, the main airport is located in Ljubljana. The city also has a central train                                              station and bus terminal, making it easy to access other parts of the country.
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